No more New Year, New You!

No more New Year, New You!

It’s that time of year when people make plans (or at least lists) of what they want to achieve in the coming year.

Statistically, most resolutions fail by mid-February, many before the fridge is free from festive leftovers.

So, if most New Year resolutions are likely to come to nothing, is there any point in resolving to make changes in 2025?

Well, that depends.

One definition of madness is to keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. So, if this is going to be the year to do (or be) X, Y, or Z, I recommend adopting a new approach.

Being bold is great, but being realistic is better

Firstly, be realistic about your goals. One small change that lasts is better than ten that are ditched within days.

Most changes can be undertaken in small, incremental steps and don’t need to be achieved in month one. Neither do they need to be undertaken on 1st January; if March or May feels more practical, do it then!

Being honest with yourself about what is doable (and what you can see yourself doing) is vital to achieving it.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, it is helpful to view any potential changes as life-enriching, rather than something you are giving up and will miss.

Map it out before you start

To optimise the odds of achieving your chosen outcome it’s best to have a clear strategy.

Think about the steps you’ll need to take before embarking on your mission. Consider any obstacles or challenges you might encounter and how you might overcome or work round them.

If you are going to modify something in your life, whether it’s a career or education goal, an alteration to your domestic or relationship situation, or just a desperate need for a better work-life balance, a plan is essential, as is commitment and focus.

How much do you want it?

If your resolution is something that you pledge to change every year, but never do, you might want to consider how much you really want it.

Is this change something you want for yourself or does someone else want you to do it? Is it still relevant? Is it in alignment with your longer-term goals or your values?

It can feel scary to review earlier decisions, especially if you’ve already started down a particular route, but you’re allowed to change your mind about anything at any time. Yes, really!

Self-doubt is the ultimate saboteur

Whatever you wish for yourself, self-doubt can be the ultimate saboteur. Sadly, it can turn an achievable dream into a naïve fantasy which can leave you disappointed and frustrated.

The roots of self-doubt, and the reasons for self-sabotage can be many and varied but often don’t require long-term therapy. Hypnotherapy is a pleasant, relaxing, brief therapy that I have used with my clients for many, many years and it can really make a difference to an individual’s self-esteem and ability to achieve their potential.

Next steps . . .

If you want 2025 to be one of improved confidence, and increased self-belief, get in touch. Book a free phone consultation or call me on 07525 012221.

Good luck and Happy New Year!

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