Hypnotherapy FAQ

It’s a really cool, naturally occurring state (sometimes known as trance) that most people find relaxing. It happens throughout the day when we daydream or become absorbed in a sport or activity. Anyone who has experienced a ‘cake-baking trance’ or ‘got in the zone’ when running, will probably recognise that feeling. Your focus of attention narrows down. The head chatter stops. Bliss.

Hypnosis is the process or the ‘trance state’ which can be utilised in either therapy or entertainment. Hypnotherapy is talking therapy that incorporates hypnosis. Therapy sessions with a trained professional are intended to help with emotional or psychological issues. Stage hypnosis is for amusement only and has no therapeutic element.

Almost anything. Hypnotherapy can be effective for many, many issues. I choose not to work with smoking, addictions, severe depression, or sexual matters. Please get in touch to discuss how I can help you.

Absolutely. Online hypnotherapy has been available for some time and has become very popular. Many of my clients prefer it for personal and practical reasons. As a therapist who’s been around f-o-r-e-v-e-r, I was initially resistant to this way of working but became convinced when I tried it during the UK lockdowns. I not only offered online client sessions but conducted hypnotherapist diploma training via Zoom. I now offer online as well as face-to-face sessions and both me and my clients have been very pleased with the results.

Yes, many. There are two main distinctions between the many types of hypnotherapy; those that concentrate on the ‘now’ or on future goals, and those that look back to past events to solve a client’s issues. Whilst I’m trained and experienced in a number of hypnotherapy styles, I generally adopt a solution-focused or goal-oriented approach tailored to my client’s needs. Most are interested in the result and not the methodology, but if you are looking for Analytical Hypnotherapy or Past Life Regression, I wouldn’t be the best therapist for you.

Yes. Hypnotherapy has the potential to work for almost everyone, but it is a choice, and you can resist going into a hypnosis. This usually happens when clients are anxious about the process. That’s why I always take time to ensure my clients are comfortable and committed to the process before we begin. Having an open mind and trusting the process is helpful, but not essential. People often try hypnotherapy as a last resort, so sceptics are welcome to get in touch! I’ve never had a client that I couldn’t hypnotise when they’ve been committed to this approach. Using the best technique for each individual is crucial; one size does not fit all.

We’ll start the first session with a chat about what you want to achieve from working with me and the issue or issues that brought you to therapy. I’ll explain how hypnotherapy works, explain the next steps, and answer any of your questions. We’ll then progress to the hypnosis element of the session. Each session is tailored to your needs and personality so it may vary from hypnotherapy that you’ve had elsewhere and definitely what you’ve seen in films or on TV!

To feel more relaxed and less anxious. One of the great things about guided hypnosis is the personal insights and perspective that are frequently noticed. In follow-up sessions many people describe a mindset shift and big increase in optimism and positivity.

Probably. Sometimes a person’s mind drifts when they are in hypnosis, and they don’t consciously hear everything that I’ve said. After a session some will recall most of what I’ve said whilst others will remember less. This is unimportant as the unconscious [subconscious] mind will hear and absorb anything that’s useful.

That’s a piece of string question! It’s impossible to be precise at the start of therapy for several reasons including, the problem being more complex than was known at the outset, external negative events occurring during the time you are attending therapy, or an unconscious resistance to the process or goal. When I speak with you in your initial free phone consultation, I will be able to give you a guide to the typical number of sessions you might expect.

Yes. The main difference between hypnotherapy and other talking therapies is that hypnotherapy works at a deeper, unconscious level. Hypnosis grants direct access to the unconscious which allows the root of the problem to be uncovered more easily and solutions found. Hypnotherapy is known as a brief therapy in psychotherapeutic terms, so clients usually require far fewer hypnotherapy sessions than in traditional counselling or psychotherapy.

You probably can if you allow it to happen. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis so you can’t be hypnotised against your will. Even where clients have described difficulty in switching off, I’ve been able to help them experience the pleasant, yet powerful state of hypnosis. Sometimes people doubt that they’ve gone into hypnosis and that’s usually because they believe that being in hypnosis is like being asleep or under anaesthetic, when it’s actually more like daydreaming.

Definitely. Just as you may choose not to return to an osteopath, dentist, or hairstylist because they weren’t your ‘cup of tea’, not every hypnotherapist will be an ideal ‘fit’ for you.

Absolutely not! Hypnosis is a state that you choose to enter and can choose to emerge from at any time. Most people find it easier to relax with their eyes closed but you could open them, move around, or speak during hypnosis. I will be your facilitator, not your fixer and we will work collaboratively to achieve a good outcome for you.

No. Whilst I may pause during a hypnosis session to allow for thought processing, if I were to stop speaking during the hypnosis session you would gradually emerge from trance, open your eyes, be wide awake. At the end of every session, I always ensure that my clients are comfortable and alert before we end the appointment.

Not unless you have taken a decision to share something with me.

No. There are a few medical conditions and psychiatric disorders that make hypnosis unsuitable for some clients. If you have a history of any of these conditions we will discuss this at the time of booking or on receipt of your consultation form.

Yes and no. I guarantee to respect you, treat you as an equal, and use all my skills to support and empower you, so that you can make beneficial changes. I can’t guarantee that you will change, however, as only you can do that.